Dental Implant in Summerville, SC
Dental Implants Procedure
Advantages of Dental Implants
Advantage of Dental implants offer a transformative experience. Losing multiple teeth can be a significant life change, and itโs likely that youโve never fully adjusted to this loss. Dental implants can restore your self-assurance and offer a functional way to eat. They are often preferred over other restorative options like bridges or partial dentures. In the case of a bridge, additional teeth would need to be altered. Partial dentures can be cumbersome to remove and clean, and they may slip, causing discomfort and embarrassment. Since dental implants integrate with your jawbone, post-procedure recovery is generally associated with minimal discomfort.
Types of Dental Implants
Single Tooth Implants
Implant-Supported Bridges
Implant-Retained Dentures
Implant Placement Procedure Guidelines
The implant placement typically involves one or two surgical steps. Initially, the implants are carefully inserted into your jawbone. This can be done either when teeth are being extracted or in already vacant sites. Over the next two to four months, depending on the implant type, the implants will gradually fuse with the jawbone, creating a stable base for the future artificial teeth. Temporary dentures may be worn during this time, and you can gradually return to a regular diet.
In the second phase, the implant is exposed, and a small healing abutment is attached in preparation for the artificial teeth. These posts will be hidden once the synthetic teeth are in place. The entire treatment usually spans three to six months, causing minimal disruption to daily activities. Implants can sometimes be placed right after the tooth extraction, reducing surgery time. Technological advancements have even made it possible for some front teeth to be extracted and implanted with temporary crowns in one visit.
Post-treatment, maintaining your dental implants is straightforward: regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are all thatโs required. Your personalized treatment options will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. McKinney.